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Ska Brewing Rotgutzen

Review - Ska Brewing Company's Rotgutzen

"...With no measureable taste or distinct flavor, you can enjoy Rotgutzen without ever wondering if it tastes good or bad or even okay. And not worrying is the kind of piece of mind you can't put a price on." -- Ska Brewing

Popping the cap unleashes an unusually high amount of carbonation, which translates into a very foamy pour with a large billowing white head that continues to build as a result of an immense amount of activity in the body. Very pale straw-colored hue with apple juice-like clarity. The nose initially detected a malt presence that was similar to hay or a straw. The aroma was not too dominant, but lemons and a soapy presence was noted. A light perfumy hope presence was also detected. Initial taste is relatively dull and is full of fizz which tingles the mouth. Finish flavor has a slight tinge of sweetness which is not expected, leading us to think that not all of the sugars fermented, or it was over-primed if hand-bottled. The mouth feel was dominated by an overwheliming carbonation presence. After the carbonation settles, our palates were left slightly slick with a sugary presence. With a light to medium body, it was very smooth to drink - but caused an unsettling presence in our stomach.

I wasn't sure what to expect with this beer given the gimmicky marketing, but its not a terrible beer. Despite a couple of flaws, mainly the over-carbonation and the seemingly unfermented sugars, it is, if nothing else, quaffable. We cracked open the baby bottle for shits and giggles and, after taking a sip, put it down. Clever marketing shtick, but nothing to even waste your time on trying.

Reviewed on August 20th, 2009.

Source12 oz bottle

Official Rotgutzen website