Did you enter the 2nd Annual Kate the Great Literary Contest?
@2beerguys, #pbw2011, #pcbw
Did you enter the 2nd Annual Kate the Great Literary Contest?
Well, if you didn’t, then you missed the deadline for submission (2/19). If you did, please let us know what you entered. Here’s a limerick entered by Amber – good luck 🙂
There once was a lady named Kate
There once was a lady named Kate
Who everyone gossiped was great
She hoped this was true
And asked Todd for a brew
So he made one that sealed up her fate
by Amber
Drink Draft Beer, You’ve Earned It!!!
Learn more about other events, at http://www.2beerguys.com/beerweekend
Do you want a bottle of Kate the Great? Do like winning free stuff? Do you hate waiting in lines? If you’ve answered “yes” to any of these questions, then sharpen your pencils, stretch your typing fingers, and fill your inkwells because we’re having a literary contest! The contest is simple: Write and submit a piece of creative writing for one of the three categories below. That’s it. That’s all you have to do.
- Poetry: Short forms only! Think haiku, sonnet, limerick, cinquain or free verse. Limit 20 lines
- Essay: Please keep your submission between 500 and 2500 words
- Short Fiction: Please keep your entries between 500 and 2500 words
Winners will be notified via email and will have from March 7, 2011-March 7, 2012 to claim their prizes. All prizes must be collected in person at the Portsmouth Brewery. Any unclaimed prizes will be sold in our retail store.