Beer Profile – Really Old Brown Dog and Brett & I
Really Old Brown Dog is our tribute Olive, Smuttynose’s dearly-departed ball-chaser, squirrel-wrangler and loyal companion of Peter Egelston, our Founder and President. “ROBD” is our take on an old ale; strong, malty and oak-aged. ROBD is a great sipper for the cool nights of the end of winter. In the kitchen, it’ll match well with roasted root vegetables, blue cheeses or lamb and venison. You can find it anywhere our Big Beers are sold.
Really Old Brown Dog Stat Box
- 10.1% abv
- 20 IBU
- Starting Extract: 20.5° Plato
- Finishing Extract: 2.5° Plato
- Malts; North American 2-Row, Crisp Pale Ale, Aromatic, Carared, C-15, Carafa II DH
- Hops: Sterling
- Mojo: Port-soaked French Oak Chips
- Yeast: White Labs WLP-001 California Ale
- Production size: 200 barrels (6200 gallons)
Brett & I (5.9% abv) is our first bottled release from the Short Batch Series. When you pop the cork and take your first sip, you’ll notice a clean sour note and tang that’s quickly followed by an earthy note and then a clean finish. It’s one of the more unique tasting experiences I’ve had with a beer.
This unique flavor comes from a multi-step process that includes a fermentation with two yeast strains (WLP-500 Trappist Yeast and WLP-650 Brettanomyces Bruxellensis), a kettle-souring with lactobacillus and 10 months of aging in neutral oak barrels.
Brett & I bottles can only be purchased at Smuttynose, either during our tours or between 9-5 business hours, Monday-Friday. Bottles are $15 each.