Review - Dogfish Head Brewery's 60-minute IPA
"Our flagship beer. A session India Pale Ale brewed with Warrior, Amarillo & 'Mystery Hop X.' A powerful East Coast I.P.A. with a lot of citrusy hop character. THE session beer for beer geeks like us!" -- Dogfish Head Brewery
The 60-Minute IPA pours a medium yellow color, topped off by an average, white fizzy head. Virtually no lacing left as the head fully diminishes. Sparkling body. Aroma is of heavy flowery hops. Initial taste is light sweet, quickly turning to a moderate bitter with an average duration. Light on the mouth, we're left both dry and oily with a lively carbonated feeling.
Reviewer's notes: "A second hit of bitter after a slight mellowing out at the finish"
Reviewed on June 27th, 2006.
Type: | IPA |
ABV: | 6% |
Source: | 12 oz. Bottle |
Score: | 20/30 |