Review - Hair of the Dog Brewing Company, Inc.'s "Rose" Belgian Tripel Style Ale
"Rose is named for Portland, Oregon, the Rose City. She is inspired by the Belgian style known as Tripple. Rose is low in hops, pale in color and deceivingly light in body for its alcohol strength. Through the use of Belgian candi sugar and honey malts this beer achieves a fruity or floral character. It has 8% alcohol by volume and 17 IBUs." -- Hair of the Dog
"Rose" pours a medium amber color into a hazy body, crowned by an average, white fizzy head that fully diminishes before long. Aroma is simple, of light yeast and alcohol. Initial taste is a heavy hit of sweet, somewhat regressing to a medium sweet at the finish, with a very long duration on the palate. Medium body on the mouth, a creamy texture and soft carbonation are left behind as we ponder the next sip.
Reviewed on July 20th, 2006.
Type: | Belgian Tripel |
ABV: | 8% |
Source: | 12 oz. Bottle |
Score: | 20/30 |