Review - Odell Brewing Company's 90 Shilling Ale
"Richer than most amber ales, 90 Shilling is smooth & deeply satisfying, with a crisp, clean Colorado taste. The name comes from the old Scottish method of naming a brewery's beer, based on original gravity and resulting tax rating." -- Odell Brewery
After previously reviewing the Cutthroat Porter from Odell, and having largely enjoyed it, we had high expectations for this beer, and it did not disappoint. Into a red wine goblet, it pours a deep mahogany color, almost walnut, into a clear body. Topping it off is a large, light-brown frothy head that leaves a nice ring of lacing as it diminishes. Aroma doesn't give off many clues as to what we should expect from the taste, but we were able to detect dark bread malts and green raisins. The initial taste reveals a light bitter taste with accompanying burnt malt characteristics, and moves to a moderately sweet finish. A heavy dose of carbonation is provided up front. It is light bodied and has a gentle, oily texture.
Reviewed on March 12th, 2007.