Review - Victory Brewing Company's Sunrise Weissbier
"As invigorating as the morning rays of the summer sun, Sunrise Weissbier satisfies when the heat is on, too. This unfiltered, Bavarian style ale is true to its origins with all ingredients except for the water having been imported from Germany. It remains unfiltered to feature the tangy, fruity flavors of its unique yeast. The imported German malt contributes greatly to add a crisp, citric snap that makes this beer a superb summertime refresher." -- Victory Brewing Company
Pours a swirling, cloudy white color, settling into a medium to dark yellow clear body, crowned by a quickly diminishing fizzy white head that completely disappears, leaving not even the faintest hint of lacing in the glass. Banana and clove dominate the nose, contributed by the German yeast and the fact that this beer is not filtered, leaving hints of the yeast behind. Initial taste has a biting sweet characteristic that shows off the banana presence that we can taste, and finishes up with a slightly acidic feel on the tongue. Light bodied, it is full of carbonation despite the lack of head or lacing, and has an almost creamy texture like an ice cream on a stick.
Reviewed on June 21st, 2007.