Review - Victory Brewing Company's Storm King Imperial Stout
"With a huge, Pacific Northwest hop aroma & character upfront, Storm King subsides into massive, roast malt complexity. More flavor than mere words can adequately describe. Rich and substantial, it will warm your heart. " -- Victory Brewing Company
We were very excited to review the Storm King. We held on to this for a while and were excited to give it a try. Well, here we are... the Storm King pours a dark motor oil like color. The light brown frothy head didn't stay in the glass for too long, but left an oily presence on the glass. Black as night, dark as an eclipse, and thick as a brick of chocolate. The bakers chocolate aroma was quite pleasant to the nose but subtle. The initial moderately sweet taste is pretty quick and moves into a moderately bitter finish for an average duration. The alcohol presence was large and in charge. Thin to medium in body with a fizzy feel, the palate remained oily for quite some time.
We were not let down with this beer. It lived up to our expectations and would recommend this to our friends.
Reviewed on July 5th, 2007.