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Long Trail Double IPA

Review - Long Trail Brewing Company's Double IPA (Special to Vermont Brewer's Festival 2007)

"No commercial description"

The Long Trail Double IPA pours a moderately dark cloudy yellow hue and settles into a hazy yellow body. The frothy off white head grew to the top of the glass and settled very slowly over time. It left behind a fair amount of lacing on the glass. The nose was pleased with the strong hop aroma with hints of orange citrus notes. The hop presence, which could be considered as harsh, reminded us of a strong marshy/grass sent. After the initial light bitter taste, we were surprised by a quick light sweet malt presence that moved into a moderately bitter finish. The bitter finish was rather strong and stuck around on the palate for a while. A citrus feel was noted and our palate was left with a slight oily tongue. The creamy texture makes this offering very drinkable, but be aware that it has a strong alcohol presence. Amber and I brought home a special six pack, during our Vermont Brewery Tour. Ian and I were excited to officially review the Double IPA. This beer was only made for the Vermont Brewers festival. I am not sure how it scored there, but we thought it was great. Comments: "This makes me miss the Loose Cannon Hop3 IPA" - Ian.

Reviewed on August 23rd, 2007.

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