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Wild Raspberry

Review - Great Divide Brewing Company's Wild Raspberry Ale

"Great Divide's mantra is that real fruit makes real beer, so Great Divide ferments Wild Raspberry Ale with hundreds of pounds of real red and black raspberries. Wild Raspberry Ale is a truly effervescent, ruby red ale that achieves the almost impossible balance between malted barley and tart raspberry fruitiness. Its naturally tart character makes Wild Raspberry the ultimate accompaniment to spicy Mexican food or on its own as a stand-alone session beer." -- Great Divide Brewing Co.

The Wild Raspberry Ale pours a cloudy dark amber color and settles a clear rich mahogany body. The medium white fizzy head was full diminishing without any lacing. The nose detected a strong bread malt aroma with an overwhelming raspberry presence. The nose was pleased and reminded of the Harpoon Raspberry UFO. Initially light acidic taste quickly moved into a light sweet taste for a long duration on the palate. It was light and watery in body with lively carbonation and left the palate very dry. The raspberry presence wasn't as strong on the palate as to the nose.

Oh, it smells amazing – Ian. It smells like a Raspberry Newton. The raspberry aroma was very dominant, while the raspberry taste wasn't as strong - Sean.

Reviewed on January 11th, 2007.

Type:Fruit Beer
Source:12 oz. Bottle

Official Great Divide Brewing website