Categorized under: Beer Review, CBC, event

Beer Day three – CBC (Cambridge Brewing Company)

Wow, beer even on a third day in a row. After spending most of my Saturday recovering from a successful Nerax Adventure. Now it was time for the CBC 18 year, 18 beers birthday party. CBC is one of our favorite breweries and is a must visit for craft beer fanatics.

We started off the evening with dinner at Fire and Ice for Thomas’s birthday dinner. If you have never gone, it’s a fun time and there’s food for everyone. When dinner was over, we traveled via the T from Fire and Ice to Cambridge Brewing Company. We made this journey with George, Kat, Amber, Ryan, Jen and I. We met Ian and Kristen at the brewery and arrived after they completed their dinner.

We were happy that the dug deep into the CBC vaults to bring us 18 of one of a kind brews including vintage brews like the imperial stout, YouEnjoyMyStout that spent 13 months in the wood and the Arquebus barleywine that aged for 18 months in the barrel cellar. The Chef, not one to be shown up, matched with 18 beer infused specials.

Two of the 18 beers had run out by the time that we arrived.

I don’t remember everything that we sampled, but all of their offering were quite tasty. I was excited to try the RED GOD IPA. These were some of the beers that the group had selected:

Half-Wit Belgian-Style Wheat Ale
Red God I.P.A.
Russian Imperial Stout
Scottish Heather Ale
Charlie Porter

I had a really good time at CBC and hope to celebrate their birthday every year.

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