Categorized under: Redhook

Just arrived – Double Black Stout from Redhook

Update 12/13: 2Beerguys official review of Double Black Stout

The Double Black Stout pours a dark brown color producing a large light brown head with a foamy consistency with great retention. Supremely thick head leaves an abundance of lacing on the glass, and the body is incredibly dark allowing no light through. Aroma is loaded with milk chocolate, supported by the scent of a coffee filter fresh from drip brewing. Malt character comes from burnt, roasted malts of moderate strength.

Initial taste is loaded with coffee up front with high strength espresso bitterness, and finishes a bit more mellow with some of the sweet maltiness coming through at the end. Light to medium bodied, the texture is rich and dark with mild carbonation and a creamy mouthfeel, with a burnt bitter finish.

Very tasty chocolate stout, highly drinkable and very enjoyable. We recently enjoyed on cask at the Cataqua Brewpub in Portsmouth, and it is just delicious.

****************October 20, 2008********************

We just received a care package from Redhook, pointing back to a previous blog:

Back in black – Redhook Double Black Stout returns for a limited time

Here are the pics of the unboxing:

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