Categorized under: event, Home brewing

2010 Mead Day and celebrates 30 pairings in 30 days Presents  – 30 Pairings in 30 Days

Craft Beer.comLooking for a new favorite beer and food pairing? You’re in luck! Beginning on June 9th, will be highlighting 30 Pairings in 30 Days in the Perfect Pairings section.

These pairings are inspired by the upcoming, will presented at SAVOR: An American Craft Beer & Food Experience, June 5th in Washington D.C., where sweet and savory appetizers will be paired with 140 of America’s best craft beers.

2010 Mead day

Mead Day Recipes Announced
The recipes for the AHA’s 10th annual Mead Day have now been posted on the Homebrewopedia. This year’s recipe, a melomel, has five different options for fruit additions. Cherries, blueberries, melons, currants and plums are all choices to personalize your mead. Also, check out all the user-generated recipes and homebrewing info on Homebrewopedia and add your own!

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