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Certified Cicerone Exams (Fall Schedule)‏

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Certified Cicerone Exams  – Near You This Fall

Note: Advance registration required 

From San Diego to Boston and Vancouver to Orlando we have exams planned all over North American this fall. Hope we’ll see you at one of them!  
 Aug. 24: Memphis, TN (Bosco’s Brewpub) 
 Sept 1: San Antonio, TX  
 Sept 7: Detroit, MI  
 Sept 14: Ft. Collins, CO
 Sept 17: Denver, CO 
 Sept 29: New Orleans, LA 
 Oct 4: San Diego, CA   
 Oct 7: Portland, OR
 Oct 12: Oak Park, IL 
 Oct 14: Houston, TX
 Nov 10: Boston, MA
 Nov 19: Orlando, FL
More details can be found about times and locations on the exam schedule
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