Categorized under: brew festivals, Marshall, New Release

Beer Release and Octoberfest at Marshall Brewing Company 9/1 (OK)

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Oktoberfest Lager Launch Party – September 1st

Join us this Thursday at Fassler Hall as we celebrate the launch of our 2011 fall seasonal, Oktoberfest Lager. The event will feature the first available kegs of Oktoberfest and the opportunity to visit with the Marshall Brewing team, including Brewmaster Eric Marshall.


Wes Alexander
Marshall Brewing Company

Oktoberfest Launch Party

  • Date: September 1st
  • Time: 5:00 PM
  • Location: Fassler Hall.  304 S. Elgin, Tulsa, OK

Marshall Brewing Oktoberfest

Beer Profile: Oktoberfest Lager

Break out the lederhosen and get ready for some good old Bavarian Gemütlichkeit…Oklahoma Style. Marshall Brewing Company’s Oktoberfest is a beautiful deep copper-colored lager highlighted by a complex malt flavor, elegantly balanced by the bittering of noble German hops. This beer is extremely smooth and highly drinkable. Checking in at 6.0% ABV, Oktoberfest is truly a fest bier worth celebrating!

For more information about Marshall Brewing Co. visit

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