Back on the bar stool again, well sorta
Hello craft beer world! In an attempt to rejoin my fellow beer bloggers, I sit on my deck, mid morning (glass of water, not beer, near by) to try my hand at “napblogging.” No I’m not sleep-typing. My little one is snoozing and so I, neglecting all household chores AND the beach, sit blogging on this ideal New England summer day.
After giving birth to a healthy, silly, smart, determined, happy baby boy late November 2016, I very willingly paused my beer drinking for a while. No more untappd, instagram and blogging either. Well maybe a few check-ins here and there, but if I’m being completely transparent (parenting a 7 month old, I can hide nothing) most of those were beers I’d ordered but only took the occasional sip between breastfeeding and stuffing my face with the fuel needed to keep said feedings a reality.

Here I am at the Stone 18th Anniversary pre-bloggers conference 2014 enjoying some tasters…wow did I enjoy some tasters!
I had every intention of enjoying a tasty beverage during the 31 beers of December blog that the 2beerguy crew and blogging family post every year. My husband even went out and bought my special beer (He’Brew Pass the Beer) as I review their Chanukah pack yearly. Around the clock baby feedings coupled with exhaustion prevented me from drinking that beer as well as many, many others. I wouldn’t change a thing.
My new found sorta-sobriety has been interesting. As Anders grows, (and doesn’t require as many feedings) I can begin to enjoy a beer from time to time. I find myself switching places with my sister-in-law (and good friend) Jen. I remember her, post-baby, ordering 1/2 pints and tasters and I would say, oh, I need a whole pint to really get the full flavor of the beer! I guess I didn’t really get why she was ordering smaller pours until now. Oh boy, do I get it now. It doesn’t take long to get buzzy when you’ve gone 9 plus month beer-less! I frequently steal sips of Sean’s beers now when I would have normally NEVER shared when I could have my OWN beautiful pour!
Navigating the beer world again with a baby in tow is getting fun, and that includes the upcoming Beer Bloggers Conference. This will be the 7th year of the event and also the 7th year Sean and I have attended. We fully enjoyed last years conference in Tampa while I carried my son, (not a beer belly) to dinners, breweries and blogging sessions. This year, we will have a 8 month old on the trip. Our family vacation will begin on July 30th in order to fully enjoy all Milwaukee has to offer. We look forward to our yearly Beer Bloggers vacation every year. For us, this one will be the most significant yet. We get to introduce our son to the awesome beer folks we have gotten to know over the years!
I’m excited to begin a new chapter of my blogging life with a refreshed outlook and a clear head. Who knew having a baby, and drinking less would re-ignite my love of beer and be a bridge to blogging again!
Peace, Love and Beer
Amber, aka MamaBeer