NOW is Almost the time….

I started this blog almost 2 weeks ago…

*** A little late… but .. whateva ****

Recent Reviews:

On January 13th, Ian and I enjoyed three tasty brews from the Portsmouth Brewery. This review was rather small in variety, but large in size (three 22oz bombers). The selection included Portsmouth Brewery Cream Ale, IPA, and Holidaze. We actually purchased these bottled beers during our trip to the Portsmouth Brewery, but officially reviews them on the 13th.

For details on the review, please visit our review page.

Now, you are probably wondering why “NOW is Almost the time….” Well, you may have noticed that we are creeping closer and closer to a milestone. We are creeping upon our 300th review. “WoW. How coo,l” you may ask, “What are you planning.”

Thanks for asking.

Since our trip to Stone Brewery, we decided to show our excitement of this adventure by selecting the Oaked Arrogant Bastard Ale and the Double Arrogant Bastard Ale as the honorary 299th and 300th review.

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