Who is John Harvard?

Does it really matter who it is? Well, not really. But it is important to know that on the same day we adventured to CBC, we also ventured ~1.5 miles to John Harvard’s brew pub.

While doing research for this blog, I didn’t realize that John Harvard spent less than eighteen months of his life in Massachusetts. Why did they name the university after him? I don’t know. But there is a statue on campus and it isn’t a statue of him. Very odd.

The strangeness doesn’t stop there. The John Harvard’s Brew House is a chain of restaurants. OHHH it’s a chain. (Ignace, could it be the red headed step child of Inbev?)

It was a rather chilly day. The walk from the car to the restaurant was unbearable. We couldn’t run from the car into the restaurant fast enough. Walking into the restaurant, it was rather dark and had a pretty good atmosphere. I looked around the restaurant, trying to find the smmmaarrrt kids (thanks Good Will Hunting).

Good size bar area and different sections in this large restaurant that had unique atmospheres. We ordered some food (which was tasty) and a variety of their offerings. The food was good, but the beer wasn’t anything to write home and tell mom about.

In the next few weeks, we will have the reviews available on the website.

Veritas shall set you free


To learn more about John Harvard, please visit:


To learn more about John Harvard’s Brew House, please visit:


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