Categorized under: beer, Funny

My end of the world beer….

I know it’s very odd to ask
What beer would be my last?
But since the end is drawing near
I have to choose real fast

It could be dark and deep and rich
Or full of hops and zest
Or light and smooth and flavorful
Not sure what I’d like best

More to the point who would I share?
That last important brew?
I think I’d choose a my “beery” friends
And everyone I knew

What better way to spend the end
Than with a beer in hand
We’d clink each glass and sip and pass
Now wouldn’t that be grand?!

Cheers to the past and future too?!
We shouldn’t be too scared
Our love of beer we’ll always have
Here’s to the beers we’ve shared!

Amber L Jansen 12/21/12

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