Categorized under: Home brewing

Homebrewers Warning: PSA Carboy transport‏


brought to you by the Fitchburg Order of Ale Makers (FOAM)
The moving of 6-gallon glass carboys on stairs that are damp and covered with leaves and without foot
wear, is not advisable. Even when the carboy is empty it is a bit unwieldy and can cause a massive
explosion of sharp heavy glass. Without proper caution you may:

  • Smash your carboy;
  • Get to rush to the Emergency Room and skip the waiting line because you are covered in blood
  • Add as many as nineteen (19) stitches to your forearm; and
  • Not be able to complete the batch of beer you are brewing.

Although some people are lucky and do not damage any arteries, tendons or nerves others may not be so lucky.

Photographs above are from events that unfolded a little after 12:45 on Sunday July 11, 2010 at the Hamesbest Brewery. The head brewer, Scott Buchanan, was alone at the time of the accident and recruited neighbors to transport him to the Emergency Room. The Scott Buchanan is currently on the mend and the stitches are healing nicely.

Please be careful and don’t let this happen to you.

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