Categorized under: beer dinner, Gardner Ale House

Beer Events: Gardner Ale House turns 5, Easter Brunch, Spring Beer Dinner (MA)

#beer, @gardnerale, #beerdinner

Mark your calendars for the upcoming events at the Gardner Ale House:

Gardner Ale House Logo

Ale House Turns 5 – Save The Date:

  • Saturday, June 25, 11:30 AM till 5 PM
  • Ale House Birthday Barbecue

Easter Magnificent Brunch Buffet

  • April 24, 9 AM till 3 PM
  • Dinner Starts At Noon
  • Live Jazz with Chet Williamson 9 AM till 2 PM

As our brunch gets more renowned and highly regarded, we continue to expand our offerings and our hours on special holidays. Just look! There’s Serious Lobster Mac ‘n’ Cheese in there, Prime Rib, Baked Ham, A chocolate fountain and about 6,000 other tasty items, entrees and tid bits.

Easter is rapidly approaching and reservations are necessary to guarantee a seat. We are filling up during the 11 AM and Noon hours, so you will have more luck reserving earlier or later.

Let me tell you please; you will go away in a state.

  • Adults $18
  • Kids 5-12 $8
  • Kids under 5 FREE!

Easter Brunch Reservations: 978 669 0122

Mother’s Day is just two weeks after Easter and we will be doing another magnificent brunch then too. You may want to do both Easter and Mother’s Day, or, if you can’t get your Easter reservation, we are right now wide open for Mother’s Day! Link to the menu

Spring Beer Dinner

  • Thursday, May 19, 6 PM
  • 5 Ale House Beers, 5 Gourmet Courses, 50 People, On the 5th day of the week, $50

Have you ever wanted a spring beer dinner more than you do this year? As I rub liniment into my frost bitten limbs and try to feel again my recently thawed bones, I am rather beside myself at the thought of a warm day and a glamorous meal celebrating the beginning of reasonable weather and the food & drink that make it all so very nice.

Reservations are now being taken. Our theme is merely the spring – anything can happen there.  Reservations- (978) 669-0122

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