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2019 Beer Now Conference – Agenda Day 2

Great Falls, Montana – Home of the Live Mermaid Show

9:00 – 11:00 AM  Four 30-minute sessions

  • Never Write a “Brewery Profile” Story Again | Jess Baker, Editor-in-Chief of
  • Podcasting in the Craft Beer World: An Untapped Opportunity | Chris Luecke, Pubcast Worldwide
  • Don’t be Afraid to Diversify as a Beer Writer | Jeff Cioletti,
  • Re-imagining Beer: Crafting a New Voice for the Industry | Zachary Rosen, Beeroretical Technologies.

11:00 – 11:10 AM Break

11:10 – 12:10 PM Three Editors Walk into a Bar: Q&A with Beer Media Leaders | (Panel Discussion) Jill Redding, The New Brewer; Sarah Freeman, October; Kate Bernot, The Takeout..

12:10 – 1:40 PM Cheeses of Europe: Beer and Cheese Pairing Lunch, led by Julia Herz and Cara Warren.  Beers graciously donated by these Montana Brewers Associationmembers:

1:40 – 2:30 PM Lightning Talks.:

2:30 PM Depart for Montana Brew Fest / Live Beer Social! 

3:00 – 4:00 PM Live Beer Social! Sponsored by Montana Brewers Association (Mansfield Convention Center)

Participating Breweries:

4:00 – 6:00 PM VIP at Montana Brew Fest 

6:00 PM Dinner sponsored by Mighty Mo Brewing (

Evening on your own – The Brew Fest and events at local bars last until 2:00 AM

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